Rudy Mawer – Facebook Ads Download

Rudy Mawer – Facebook Ads For 2021 And Beyond Download

What You Learn:

Acquire New Customers with the Perfect Offer, Hook & Creative

  • Swipe copy frameworks that clarify exactly what you’re selling (HINT: It’s not your product), from eCommerce to high ticket offers & everything in between
  • Create super-effective, emotion-driven hooks that stop the scroll by tapping into the nuanced desires of your core audience
  • Leverage eye-catching images, professional-looking videos, and user-generated content that perfectly supports your ad copy
  • Get Rudy’s “RIO Framework” for crafting a ridiculously irresistible offer that solves the problems keeping your prospects awake at night

Set Up Slam Dunk Facebook Campaigns That Get Leads

  • Discover the 7 avoidable mistakes that kill a great Facebook ad before it ever has the chance to be seen by your audience
  • Learn what CPC, CTR, ROAS, and AOV have to do with the success of your ads (Not sure what those acronyms mean? Then you definitely need to be here!)
  • Stay compliant with the platform’s rules so that you don’t have to keep going back to the drawing board (or face Zuck’s “Ban Hammer”)
  • Ensure your business can withstand the iOS 14 update with expert tips for surviving Facebook’s “Great Retargeting Scare”

Accurately Predict Which of Your Ads to Scale (& Which to Cut)

  • Perform your ad’s “Health Check” and calculate critical data points that tell you if your Facebook ad is a success (or a dud)
  • Kick Ad Fatigue to the curb with Rudy’s “Yellow Box” method for easily identifying new ad angles
  • Turn a winning ad into a full campaign with Rudy’s step-by-step guide for creating variations of your best ads
  • Uncover 6 surefire signs that your ad is ready to be scaled (in some cases up to 10k/day) without compromising profitability

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