Brandon Lucero – The Video 4x Effect Download

Brandon Lucero – The Video 4x Effect 2020 Download

Shannon’s last launch nearly hit a million dollar dollars and was 4X more successful than her prior last and the only thing that changed was her messaging.

Brandon Lucero – The Video 4x Effect 2020

Imagine Where Your Business Would Be If You Started 6 Months Ago,
Just Like Some Of Our Past Students and Clients:
HIT PLAY and Hear what James Wedmore, Carrie Green, Caitlin Bacher, Rick Mulready, Mel Abraham and More Have
Experienced With The Video 4x Method Content, Messaging and Strategy!
“Before implementing Video 4x into my business, one of the biggest frustration I was experiencing was attracting people into my audience that didn’t seem to get my content and didn’t seem to share the same mentality as me […] so one of the big things was the subtle change in how I created content that would attract the exact people I wanted to work with.”

Get immediately download Brandon Lucero – The Video 4x Effect 2020

– Jeff Wenberg, founder of Common Wealth Today
“I Sold My First $6K Seat Into My Program”
“Since joining the Video 4x Effect, not only have I been able to really nail down who I am and what my deeper purpose is in this world and in this industry, I have gotten even more clarity on what my methodology is and more specifically what my messaging is.”
– Jess O’Connell, host of the Stand Out CEO Podcast
“I Just Got Off Of My Biggest Launch Ever, Having a $70K Launch Using What I’ve Learned Through The Video 4x Effect”
“Brought 135 Students Into Our Program In Our Biggest Launch Ever For This Product & Generated $204K In Sales”
“The results speak for themselves […] If I can have this kind of result from just a small fraction of the program, it blows my mind what’s possible.”
– Laura Phillips, founder of Love To Launch
Shannon’s last launch nearly hit a million dollar dollars and was 4X more successful than her prior last and the only thing that changed was her messaging. She came to us to look at her messaging, scripting, and launch content. By plugging her business into the Video 4X method we were able to help her up-level the results and impact by flipping around her messaging and content.
– Dr. Shannon Irvine, founder of the Epic Success Podcast
“Our Last Launch Was FOUR TIMES More Successful Than Our Prior Launch and The Only Thing We Changed Was
Our Messaging with Brandon”
“I Started Doing $60k Months After Using This Style Of Content”
“I didn’t know how to get them to pay attention and I didn’t know how to get them to recognize that I could help. I was blown away after hearing Brandon Lucero speak… and it was a missing piece of my marketing arsenal that I didn’t even know was missing…. it’s been life changing.”

– Ashely Shaw, founder The Fitness Leader Institute

Andrea was able to generate $20K in 3 weeks just by implementing our initial strategies from the Video 4x Effect.

She was also able to hire a virtual editor to take over her editing and she did it in 2 weeks with our PDF outline and instructions. She’s able to roll out 3-4 videos per week without it requiring any of her time.
“$20k in 3 weeks just by implementing your initial strategies”

– Andrea Maxim, founder of MAXIMized Business

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